hey all! if you have facebook, can you all please go like one of my pages and help me spread the word about it? It's so important that we raise awareness...I don't know if you guys have been aware of the lack of respect shown in the world especially when it relates to one's religious, ethnic, sexuality, political especially political, and cultural views....to me, and it's nothing to do with this fanbase or anything, we really are one big happy family but we also have a brilliant role model to look up to and guide us well actually 2 and 3....but in your real live away from the technology, do you see what I see? Strangers not acting as equals which they are thinking they are better than the other? or just not willing to help each other if they need help? if they drop something or if they just need someone to talk to? i notice this stuff all the time and really I think to some degree this lack of respect leads to some of the violence we have seen...all the shootings that have happened this summer...if the shooter had respect for his victims, would he have shot them and even risk killing them? probably not....see what I mean? this needs to change! we need to make the whole world act as fanbases do, loyal, kind, respectful, basically one big happy family which we are! seems like an impossible thing! but one step at a time and miracles do happen and the first thing is to raise awareness that this does happen! One of the biggest things that made me start this page is seeing political articles online and see the comment section and seeing people being absolutely rude to each other about the candidates they support like they are wrong for believing what they believed which they are not and I cried from one of articles...like I literally don't understand at all what makes someone decide to say something like that about another human being....it just breaks my heart to see people acting this way :( like see for yourselves some of this articles...there's always people who can't just bite their tongues and show respect for people's opinions and that's wrong...and then one of my friends on facebook who believes just the opposite of me politically deleted me from facebook and I honest to God have no clue why except the political thing...so it's like you're really gonna delete me just because my political beliefs, you just proved my point? and everything with bullying, etc. everything that goes on in this world proves how much respect we don't show to anyone anymore and why it needs to be fixed...
On my page, I'll try to create conversations about different things I feel is important and anyone is welcome to join in on them! so we can help teach respect to ourselves and other people. I also want to do various tasks of the week to get people out and about, being kind to people and helping them out, and see how good you feel afterwords. The page will be used as a way to inspire change and if anyone has any new ideas about any kind of content for the page, let me know! I'm interested in hearing what you guys all have to say and to new ideas and see what all might work to solve this huge problem! I'm sure that here and there, I will develop new ideas for the page, one that I didn't originally plan, but that's okay! Please go over to and like it and tell me what you think!