Ok so I told one of my new friends I was a Christian the other day. She flipped and started asking me these questions:
1. Where's your bible? Well, I have a bible app, but I don't use it that often, I usually use my actual bible. You see, I don't like it when people think Christians ALWAYS have a bible with them. Which brings me to my next question:
2. Is there a verse about _______? Ok, so some people think, if you don't know EVERY SINGLE verse in the bible by memory, your a horrible Christian! Yeah, I don't know what Psalms 149:32 says but it doesn't mean I hate God and the bible! I just don't remember what it says!
3. What Christian radio station do you listen to?
Ok so yes, basically all I listen to is worship music (don't be hatin') and I occasionally listen to some Radio Disney (don't judge), but HEY! that ain't a bad thang! I get AMAZING inspiration from worship music!
4. Do you go to church 24/7?
Um no... That's actually an insult in my mind, but it could also be a complement! I mean, if they think you go to church every day, they might be seeing the love of Jesus in you! Well, I do go to church quite often because my church is a enjoyable place! I actually have a lot of good memories there! Whenever I wanna hang out with my friend Gabe we ALWAYS meet at the church! It's like a 2nd home to me!
5. Why wasn't God in that last sentence?
Yes, my friend actually asked me this. Well, my biggest pet peeve about Christians is that EVERY SINGLE WORD THAT COMES OUT OF THEIR MOUTH MUST ME IN RELATION TO GOD OR THE BIBLE! Or in movies, where there's a Christian, every answer to a question is "Jesus" or "well God says in ___".. I mean, yes, using the Scripture to give advice isn't bad, but it annoys me that they think every sentence must have the word "God" or "Jesus" in it!
That's the end of rant 2! Rant 3 about lies about Homeschoolers is to come tomorrow!