i had to get this off my chest
i am so blessed to have coltons music in my life. he has gotten me through the toughest of times. like right now. i am very angry with my mom and his song "let them see you" has just helped me calm down. and he always makes me feel better, no matter how sick i feel. he is just so great. i cant wait to me...
Proud mama
I am so proud of Colton. You Are started playing on my local Christian radio last week, and I have to hold back the tears every time I hear it. I am just so proud. I feel like a mom who's son is in the Army and is fighting for everyone's freedom. I am just so freaking proud. And I feel even more proud knowing his C...
Help out y'all it's school biz
Ok so I'm thinking about going to school next semester. Just for one semester. I have been homeschooled my entire school life so I'm not sure if I'll like it! So I need people who are in public schools to help me. What was/is middle school like for you? Now, I want to go to a Christian school (Calvary Chapel...
Help me out y'all 2.0
Guys,I seriously need some advice. I don't know what I'm gonna do with my music. I want to get it out there. I've really been considering X Factor, but I'm not sure if my parents will let me. I mean, they really support me, but they don't like the competitions that much. Plus, I haven't exactly explained t...
Help me y'all
Kay, so this is like, kinda major. I really wanna become a celeb. I know like every kids dream is that, but I'm like serious. But since I'm only 12, there's not much my parents will let me do! I hope when I turn 13 and am no lover considered a child in my parents mind, I can progress in my music! I really wanna le...
Rant about Christians
Ok so I told one of my new friends I was a Christian the other day. She flipped and started asking me these questions:
1. Where's your bible? Well, I have a bible app, but I don't use it that often, I usually use my actual bible. You see, I don't like it when people think Christians ALWAYS have a bible with...
Ranting mood bro
Ok so I'm a so mad of girls who think the more skin the show off, the more guys will be attracted to them. I mean seriously, I HATE when you see a girl that looks like she got her clothes from the baby's section. And I dont get why they think "oh if I'm not a size I am hideous." Well I wanna share with y...
My testimony
This is my testimony. Please do not make fun of me about it. This is very personal stuff an I'm scare to even share it. This happened about 1 year ago.
I was a normal girl, till one night I felt empty inside. Then I didn't ever feel hungry. I didn't eat a full meal for weeks. I lost some weight. My parents bec...
Important Cause to me!
hey all! if you have facebook, can you all please go like one of my pages and help me spread the word about it? It's so important that we raise awareness...I don't know if you guys have been aware of the lack of respect shown in the world especially when it relates to one's religious, ethnic, sexuality, po...
Okay Messengers, I have a request to make of you! I am trying to write another song for Colton. I have ABSOLUTELY NO I idea for topics. I have like 1 line of lyrics, then went blank! I have: "you are your own star." Thats it! I am only limited to a small amount of instruments, so ballads are best fo...